Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Looking Rich

“Looking Rich” is not just a change in clothes but a change in thought and behaviour.

British Look

Being Rich isn’t where the penny ends. By having a nice car, watch and house doesn’t mean you are a successful individual. You very well could be one of those individuals who have inherited all their wealth. There is no crime in that, but in truth the thrill is in the chase. The journey from A to B is what people should be striving for. Not just the end result. The Essence and wonder of the experience weighs more then the trophy that awaits.

However emulating that your successful has its perks and can be very advantageous to one in the sense that :

-People will pay more attention to you

-The opposite sex will find you more attractive.

-People perceived value of you would be higher

So the question is … “How can I look Rich & what are the benefits in looking Rich”

In this blog post we at COL will look three areas in which if one applies some resources and human effort. They will see changes within their lives and new windows of unseen opportunities will arise.


Dressing good is important. Forget this trendy, indy cindy, hoxton hero skinny jean + t shirt look. Styles like that totally de-masculinize men and ultimately will fuck James Bond first then Russel Brand. Not because he has an Aston and doesn’t resemble an old lady from a mental home but purely on the basis that naturally women will bend over backwards for a masculine man more then an indy cindy. Soooo you might as well start dressing like one because it is like packing a turbo under your hood.

Nintendo thong girl, provocative nintendo ad

"Girls can get away with silly shirts saying stupid stuff on them. Blindly Men think the same shirts make them more hot but in truth they look like rejects from TOP SHOP"

Anyway you primarily want to make an impression, which stands strong, noble, solid and respectable. Wearing a t shirt saying “Nintendo” or “ New Wave” states one thing to individuals around …“NO GF”. Do you really want to advertise that … LOL. So keep the silly t-shirts for nightwear. Trying to lose your virginity wearing a halo shirt is going to be hard ...

Clothes that encapsulate
“prestigious values” & “heritage”
are key. This is because the impression given by them orientate around being strong, noble, solid and respectable. Thus people will perceive, that the individual wearing the clothes is seemed to have a character / personality similar to attributes explained before.

Looks which demonstrate this point

-Preppy Look

Preppy School Look

Preppy Boys_Clothes

The look basically says:

"I got money so Mc Donald's is not on my list, my dad drives golf gti on weekends but drops me off to school in his company car. I only do house party's and chill in hotel lounges and I have plenty of non preppy and preppy girls chasing me"

-British Look

British Look

This look is rather more straight forward:

" I don't know what a night club is, I prefer driving my Range on my farm and the odd bit of fox hunting now and then and I only marry into relatives or friends of friends."

-Preppy Tennis Look

Preppy Tennis Clothes

All these looks pulsate a “high value” appeal to other individuals. Therefore adoption of these looks will be beneficial to you if you were in a crowd of people. You will look conservative but vibrant amongst the wall of people and their boring suits. Just imagine dressed as Roger Federer at a bus stop with everyone wearing black and grey suits … you will definitely be One- Up on everyone.

Benefits of Dressing Good

 Girl thinking of car

-Ever lasting look

-Women will definitely look more

-Attracts a lot more haters

-Friends may diss you for changing your style … they can join the haters as well.


-Everyone will think your posh and this not always needed. Especially when dealing with hippy/ liberal bitches. They tend to hold a grudge against wealthy/ successful people and often you may find yourself in debates and arguments with them on the price of bread.

The Car

Porsche 911 Gets girls, Porsche 911 impresses girls, Porsche sex

A Car one drives divulges many things about the driver. A Ferrari depicts that the diver is Rich, Loaded, Flashy and knows people. As the waiting list for one is longer then the great wall of China. Just like the realm of clothes heritage is important. So really … what car correlates with the heritage look … an Aston Martin !

Back Seat Girl, Lingerie girl in car, thong in car, S class sex

Unfortunately not all our fathers were transport tycoons or rich oil barons. But selecting a car brand which encapsulates heritage, prestige and luxury and at the same is affordable is not easy. Hence going vintage may be the only way to have the appeal of wealth. As dizzy rascal said it “OLD SKOOL LIKE HAPPY SHOPPER” is cool. Hence the brand needs to appeal to impress ladies, clients and ANYONE ELSE. Driving a car such as Porsche 911 from “1969” is no way different to some clown driving an 09 plate.

Porsche Girl, Panties, Underware

The car perceived image is timeless. The only major different is the sticker price & mileage. One 1969 car has travelled more miles then the space shuttle discovery and the 09 can accelerate like it.

Porsche Turbo Girl, Girl on Porsche

The external adjustment is one half of the battle. The next step is to become more mentally rich. Change your norms. A good example of this is one I personally engaged with. I heavily noticed that all individuals who came from a private education background either had a sport which they took seriously or a had an instrument they took seriously and over the summer I personally became drawn into the world of tennis & classical music. To such a degree that I usually write all my blog posts listening some form of classical either post or contemporary. Hence expanding and experiencing new things will always lead to opportunities that were previously not see able.

Above all act yourself. Most rich people are boring unless your Hugh Hefner. If your not a boring person and part take in various other social activities and lead an active lifestyle then see that as a major benefit. And playing video games and jerking off to porn is not an active lifestyle. Furthermore don’t advertise yourself. Keep a low image. Let people’s minds wonder not yours and retain a degree of normality. By speaking properly, dressing accordingly etc … but don’t over do it over the top. And to conclude, If someone asks you where you live … don’t say Mayfair.

Preppy Tennis Clothes

Friday, 20 November 2009

Fan Boys Priorities (One-Up)

Liam Farrel REPORTS for COL :

Nerd, geek, dweeb, anorak, saddo...if any of these labels have ever been aimed at you then read on. You're exactly who this article was written for. Fist and foremost, those labels used to pigeon hole you and put you down. Forget them, expell them from your vocabulary. You do not need labels invented by people who want to hold you down and see you fail. This site is improving one's self, and that's your first step. Secondly, there's nothing wrong with being a fanboy (a term I use professionally and personally), I'm one myself;
I work as a videogame journalist, into more different TV shows, comic, animated shows and films than you can shake a lightsabre at and the only thing that outnumbers my collection of games is action figures! So understand what I say comes from a good place and is said by someone that understands you and your situation. A fanboy may very well be who you are. But that doesn't mean it has to be what you are.

To explain my point, let me tell you a little but about one (of many) of my interests. I like The Transformers, the original cartoon series, I like it a lot. When I have nothing to do I trawl internet sites looking for the original toys from the 80's, own three different Starscreams and would slap you silly if you got in the way of me getting a masterpiece Grimlock! So, as you can see, I really like Transformers. But it doesn't own me, my life doesn't depend on owning them, there's much more to my life. My hobbies and passions are just a part of it.

before you start jumping to conclusions, I'm not going to tell you to flog your comics and signed William Shatner photo on ebay for the sake of a girl (or getting a girl). What I'm advocating is indentifying your priorities, putting them in order of importance and keeping them separate. Have your personal loves and interests, but keep them personal (more on this in a bit)
I'm going to divulge a little fact about women, you may think I'm full of it or sexist, but you'll see it's more or less true. When you first meet a woman, she doesn't care about your life story. Within minutes (if not seconds) she's made her mind up if you are someone she'd sleep with, go out with you, be friends with you or pretend in five minutes that her mum had a bad turn and she has to leave. First impressions count with women, and waxing lyrical about why Star Trek DS9 is better than next generation isn't gonna do much for your love life.

"Smooth and Sharp at all times with a hint of cockyness is the perfect recipe to attract women"

Look at it like this; you, your personality and how you present yourself is like a product. And the woman is the perspective customer. Every shop has a target customer, the person they want buying their product. So they need to best present their product and shop to attract that desired customer so hopefully they'll buy something. So you're gonna want to put the best products, in the best possible way to get that customer's interest. Stuff she would want or be interested in. You don't stick back room stock or paperwork in the front window. They're part of what makes the shop run, but are of no interest to the customer. You'd be surprised at the difference a few little changes can make...

Smarten yourself up: That Red Dwarf t-shirt may be the shit at a fan convention but it says "nobody" to a potential girlfriend. Get some nice plain t-shirt (at the very least) and dress shirts.

Clean your place up: Piles of DVDs or comics are a big risk of alienating a girl (and you don't wanna screw things up if you get her to your place). So get some shelves or cabinets made up to keep your stuff in (or at least tastefully display it). Even if you live at home with yo mother you can still have a hot gf ... unless if your parents are strict muslims ... then I suggest a motel !

Believe: People may have tried to make you feel bad, don't let them. Don't even give them the pleasure of letting them think they upset you. Likewise with girls, if they give you the elbow. Don't take it to heart. Girls get attention from guys all the time, so you not getting her heart is no different to what we've all gone through. Get some dreams and follow them. Don't worry about "the making money part". That will soon come if you do what you love with the added effort !

I can't do it all for you, you have to take the initiative yourself, but take on some of what I've written. At no point did I say stop being a fanboy, by all means enjoy your hobbies but bare in mind there's a whole life outside your interests, so go out there and live it because you will enjoy if you take that step and swallow the pill out of your self made prison. So the next time someone is going to a party and you have the choice of either surfing the net, reading a comic ... leave your house and join who ever. Because in the future you will use your office 3 things :D !

1) One to Sleep in

2) Two to Break Deals in

3) To Sleep with and Break Women in ! The Janitor can hold the camera LOL!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

The Leader in the Pocket

While not being able to sleep recently, I often find myself glued to my plasma screen at late nights watching silly late night call in game shows. These shows always consist of a wannabe weather girl who either didn't meet the BBC standards (Big Boobies Criteria) or not dish out enough blowjobs to channel executives. These cut price honeys are often just meandering around in a cheap H&M dress, talking to a bunch of sozzled Northerners on the air about their NIGHT!!! while charging them 1.50 per minute. I thought Babestation was bad enough, but least with Babestation your get to see their fake circus boobs.

Upon viewing these moronic shows, I have noticed that; no one ever wins these late night call in game shows. Even the little kiddies can't even get a break om Blue Peter! Amusingly, as one angry parent put it, that BP has more control on their competition call in lines then the Chinese government has on their internet lines and they also have the magical power to make kids lie on live tv... Awesome! I love it when single mums harass TV shows. When that happens producers know they have hit a new low, and not in terms of viewers. However I would lie if Konnie Huq looked like this on air and not just for FHM. (Growl)

It has however become very obvious to me that the greatest hypnotist in the world is that black rectangular box inside everyone's living room. Therefore if Rupert Murdock is going to hypnotize me I at least want some kick backs like Peter Mendleson. Hence I have swapped the crack-like addiction of late night game shows for doing stock research and the Discovery Channel... and snap up some MU shares while they're cheap.

As is always, the Discovery Channel continues to bring to my attention that men were the leaders in the early ages of man. I particularly enjoy the whole idea that a good sense of natural instincts, physical awareness and a spear to hunt food meant that you would sleep with cave girl equivalent of Paris Hilton during that period. And the more I look around as Dr Samsung hynotises me with his High-Def screen of wonders, I start to notice that more and more men are losing the ability to lead. Could it be the scary concrete jungle we now call home or the fact that more and more women are going to Charlie Angles boot camps where the learn to use their feminine abilities to crush our manhood. But as is the case, man invents some instrument or tool to solve his problems.

The very next day, after my lengthly midnight ordeal with the television, I had to meet a friend for lunch at Nottinghill in a unfamiliar restaurant called "Ottolenghi". I have always liked Nottinghill. The area is not to corporate and, unlike Hackney, you don't have bullets whizzing past your ears. However, whenever I usually go to places where the plate’s alone costs more then the house I was born in, I tend to adopt the "Notting Please" attitude. But that's not saying much as a ford escort costs more then the house I was born in. But what I expected from this high price menu is not what I received. Cold food, small portions and over priced to boot. As my girlfriend took me to the restaurant, I played the role of the blind man and she played the role of golden retriever. Totally out of my element, I had no idea where the hell I was. With the combination of bad food and price I ejected out of my seat quicker then a Volvo crash test dummy.

And it became obvious to me that the new concrete jungle I call home, that I was now lost in. And being the man I am, I have too much pride to ask for directions ... especially from women (females reading may think that this is silly but every man reading will sympathize). I might as well give them my genitals on a silver platter. Time was ticking and I had to meet another friend at Kings Cross Station for coffee and there were no stars to help me navigate my way to Bayswater station. Galileo would be turning in his grave around about now. During times of a great distress man puts his hands on his waists, lets out a sigh and waits for that solution to arise to him. Although for my solution to this problem to come to me I needed a spark. And that spark was a petite Eastern European blonde asking me for directions to Bayswater station. And while explaining to her that I was lost as well and trying to get there myself, just like the big bang my supreme brain gave me the solution to my and Mini Pavova's problem. In went my hand into my pocket and out came my blackberry. And being an Orange Business user Senor Blackberry was equipped like Rambo and had unlimited GPS! Thus I got to where I needed to be, and -for a brief moment- I looked like Jason Bourne to a cute stranger!

The point being, we made technology to serve and assist our lives. Not to be digital child minders. It was cool that I had my Blackberry to hand, but what if I didn't? I would probably still be lost in Notting Hill now! Man made tools to overcome problems and inconveniences in life. But it wasn't about when adam and eve existed. By all means cool gadgets for the win. Just don't let them own you. The plus side of having cute girls wonder at your command of the side streets of where you live and making your career dreams come fruition, or you'll be trying to win back your job seeker's allowance on a late night quiz channel so you can call into Babestation for the forth time in a day. Embrace technology to a degree however don’t spoil it by exploding over the keypad.

main feature editor :Shez Bokhari
supporting editor: Liam Farrel

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Short note on Woo manship (Mental State and Awareness)

So you’re at a club, the music’s load, the girls are hot and everyone is having a blast … except for the bouncers they never look too happy and always have the impression that they have pooped their pants but are being cool about it. Anyway you want to be One- Up on all or most of the men within the room. There are various ways you can do this … you can literally buy out the bar or order 2 bottles of MOET 95 costing a total sum of £28,000 as I experienced the other day by a certain type of individual (cough banker cough) doing at the Hilton (Whisky Mist). Most of the individuals reading this probably don’t do holidays on a yatch in the South of France and don’t own a May Bach therefore buying your way to One-Up ness is going to be out of the question. However If one can be John Travolta on the floor and spew out dance combo’s like Jackson one will definitely be One-Up on every man on the floor but to rock that world your going to have to be quite a rather smooth criminal. Often girls find it extremely attractive when men can dance, that’s why the Dance Dance Revolution machine in the arcades only had nerds lined up and MJ has millions of female fans wanting to have his babies.

I know the question drumming through all your minds. “I can’t dance mr editor and I am paralyzed by the fear of me even dancing … and mr editor my father is not Prince of Wales and I not too keen on taking up cocaine either”

The simple but yet affective measures to receive results without inserting any cash at the bar or losing any dignity on the dance floor can be achieved by being in tune with the songs and one’s inner self and environment. Just by noding your head to beat and emitting the presence of a vibrant focused individual who can and will in the future be able to buy 15 year old MOET will truly take one a great deal forward on the road of success. It is good to be mentally checked and physically checked just like a car needs M.O.T and Tax to attain insurance for it. The golden rule applied by one of my good friends is “If everyone comes as race car driver come as a fighter pilot and if everyone comes as a fighter pilot then come as an astronaut” So by being ahead of all the norms ( The One-down) individuals one will always be One-Up.

A good lifeman has one eye on the ball and the other eye on the court. So Once you got the rhythm, vibe and clothes greater then the rest, look at the opposite sex and see which one is giving you eye contact. And if a girl is looking at you then there is something about you she is intrigued by … otherwise why would she look. As the demon in the black cocktail dress continues to look at you make sure before you go into the dark you make a pit stop in her bed before you enter hell. Often these shy creatures break eye contact then wait 10 seconds and look again. If this occurs you can be assured it’s on like Donkey Kong my friend.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009


The concurrent tasks one always encounters while in university are exams. And to be successful in them requires the individual to be extremely good at following:

-Time Management
- Understanding all the text which usually is over expressed in text books
- Information Retrieval (Typically very hard for students in Amsterdam)
- Speed Writing

All these combined form the essential skills needed to be successful in an exams. As being a university student myself, I know how one can over indulge themselves in wild drinking parties, late night knicker chasing and prudent smoking sessions. So, how can one be successful or "One-Up" in their exams without actually doing the above preparations for the exam? Firstly it will require the individual to have nerves of steel and the cool calm collectiveness of a master spy. The methods required to be successful in these situations can be, and most probably are deemed as, cheating however the judgement of risk and rewards are left to the individual to decide. The following text shows methods and techniques on how to be more successful and attain a position of One-Up in exams without doing the previous preparations

Winds screen Wiper Approach

“Shez Bokhari” developed this approach in his first year at university. During this time period I myself had a lot of operations and activities, which I was partaking in. And due to the bad personal habit of bad time management, I had to devise a discrete method of carrying essential information into the exam without being noticed while under exam conditions. As I myself wear glasses, I would write essential material on the cleaning cloth of my spectacles and when I would need the essential information I would simply remove the cloth and clean my glasses while looking through the specs so I could observe the information. This approach has been adopted by various fellow students and can be considered the most discrete and effective measure in being One-Up in Exams.

Tie Hide

This approach was handed down from one of my old class teachers. This is a method he used to pass his final year university exams. He would ultimately place essential notes within his tie and extract them from the bottom or place them at the bottom of the tie behind the big end. And when he required the information he would simply lift/play with his tie. According to my sensei / ex teacher this method allowed him to have copious amounts of information to hand during the exam therefore giving him a higher degree in having a One-Up. I personally have tried this method and although it allows the individual to carry vast amounts of information under the radar the concealment and access to notes seem to be far more efficient with the “Winds Screen Wiper” Approach.

The “Short Skirt and Hidden Notes Combo”

I myself observed this approach when I noticed a rather attractive girl in the exam hall with gorgeous legs and a short skirt, which she was lifting up to unveil formulas for our quants exam. It was a good move however as me knowing what colour underwear she wore made it much easier to tease her during seminars till this day. However apart from admiring her under garments (and their contents) I also admired her courage, nerves and cool collectiveness to achieve a One-Up in the exam hall. It takes a level of bravery and guts to perform these actions and in some cases they give negative results. Unfortunately for me during the same quantz exam, my notes were on my hands and noticed by one of the moderators who asked me to go to the toilet and remove them. But as I was in the good books of the lovely moderator who at the time was also my quantz teacher and I was allowed to sit my exam as normal once I returned. So keep your eyes on the task at hand as it were.

DC FREEZE (Diet Coke)

I stumbled upon this little tactic during my younger years while undertaking my mock GCSE’s and continued to use it throughout to my A levels. During exams, individuals are usually allowed to bring drinks into the exam hall. My mother would always give me a can of Diet Coke… I personally never knew why, but it was always something to drink during the much hated exam so I never minded. But by opening a can of Diet Coke within a quite exam hall -where a pin drop can be heard with Hiroshima-like affects- the can would mind freeze and stop the train of thought of every individual who hears the sound of the Diet Coke opening apart from the individual who opens pandora's box as he aspects the load sound . The POP instantly distracts them and I have often received complaints from fellow classmates in the past that this ritual, as I would call it, during exams really does irritate and stop the flow of information retrieval for them therefore they forget whatever they were thinking of. Therefore this form of auditory warfare brings down the marks of you internal competition in the exam hall as well as reduce marks on a overall basis, therefore putting the individual in a One-Up position.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Music One-Up

Picasso once quoted “ I don’t believe in accidents. There are only encounters in history. There are no accidents ”

Recently I stumbled upon the seductive and hard going instrument… the violin. My adoption and love bound for this instrument and struggle to play it better lead me to purchase a classical music CD to fully embrace the art and quality sound coming out it. The main reason I purchased the CD was also for something to listen to while in the car. Classic FM is good but I prefer the classics such as Cannon in D instead of new wave classics of the likes of Hanz Zimmer thumping out of my car stereo.

Anyhow I had decided I would pick my friend Hassan from work and we would go driving and probably catch a bite to eat. As he finishes work at 3 pm. I had to purchase the congestion charge, which in my opinion is nothing more than gloryfied day light robbery. Being young and 20 years old I have adopted the MAX VOLUME approach while driving however I fear all the BASS from musical songs such as “TIME” by David Ghetta will surely destroy my awesome ears and lose a customer for apple. Anyhow, driving around sunny and hot London can be distracting and rather hard as every girl within a 10 metre radius is displaying her lovely legs. However being the natural Bond I am , I can drive and perv at the same time, now that's multi-tasking! Anyhow I under estimated the traffic conditions and was totally stuck in non moving traffic. Just like you see in sit-coms and movies. And I didn’t have much time till Hassan finished work. Being the cool preppy self that I am. I had the car windows rolled down as Cannon in D blasted out of Car. While stuck in traffic on old Brompton road, a gentlemen drove up in a grey Aston Martin Vantage. I could here the seductive roar of engine underlying my classical music. As I turned to look at the driver next to my car there sitting in his Aston was a man that could've been 007 himself. The classical music rung through the traffic as well as the hum of the Aston it was total harmony. During the peak of the song a conversation began which lasted almost 5 mins.

Man in Aston: My good man is that Cannon in D you seem to be coursing out of your speakers LOL
Me: A nod!
Man in Aston: Ah I don’t see that much these days. Young people, blasting out Classical Music. Actually I never see it to be honest.
Me: Classical Music has a distained character unlike these other music genres, also the radio stations play super pop music which I don’t really fancy. It is like I am already living in Japan and listening to one time pop stars on the radio. Plus this traffic is not helping and it’s making me run late.

Then after some minor conversation about music we moved onto our common enemy…the traffic.

Man in Aston: Where are you heading to anyway ?
Me: I going to Covent Garden actually
Man in Aston: Ahhhh I see. I am going a similar direction and I know short cut. Care to follow.
Me: Sure
After taking copious amounts of short cuts and driving through the streets of London in true Italian Job fashion I re discovered the joys of driving. I have to say that the chap in the Aston was maneuvering and zig zagging through the traffic like Lewis Hamilton. After tailing him I arrived at Convent Garden in about 10 mins. And with a brief thanks and a flash of lights, off went the Aston.

While I was driving I asked my Sat Nav to record the routes and shorts cuts… so no more waiting in gridlock anymore Mr Bond!

So what I learnt from this encounter is specific music radiates different levels of positive vibes. A form of Musical One-Up. The Classical Music pumping through my speakers during traffic instantly brought up a sense of class and One-Upness amongst individual around the car who could hear it ! And lead to this very awesome and handy encounter.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

The One Up and the One Down

In the beginning there was Adam and Eve, you remember Adam bit into that apple. At which in that point in time the first loser was born. Yes, the pattern was set and the world divided. Not into male and female. No no no, that’s just a mire superficial division with minor importance. Another discretionary involved but there is something more basic and more profound. At that faithful moment the world was divided into winners and losers just like the realm of chess. Top men and Underdogs. In a word; The One Up and the One Down.

Ah yes… The clear cut question in your hungry eyes. You want to know what is Lifemanship. Well Gentlemen, Lifemanship is the science of being One Up on your opponents at all times. It is the art of making him feel that somewhere, somehow he has become less than you. Less desirable, less worthy…less blessed.Who then you ask are your opponents? Everybody in the world who is not you, and the purpose of a lifeman must be to be one up on them. Because mark this well, he who is not One Up is One Down.

Sources:S.Potter, A.Sim extracts from Cinematic movie

Monday, 22 June 2009

College of Lifemanship (One-Up)

On the 16th of June at exactly 00:15 am, I clicked the button on my laptop and forth came this blog. It may not be one of the greatest economical burdens I have passed onto myself and nor do I look to benefit anything from it. However this course of action is not brought forward because I would like to show you pictures of my hometown or the girl next door. This blog isn’t going to give you the reader the right to snoop into my life. That job is primarily done by private investigators and freelancers or what others might refer to as stalkers. [*However a little following never hurt Sherlock but that is something we will get on to later] Instead of it being all about that malarkey, my blog will be about how individuals can become One-Up in various forms and diverse ways in life. I myself have a keen interest in personal succession and leadership. As you can see if you are from a democratic country except Iran and not have your Internet controlled like China, that Europe is at peace and the cold war is just clearly a memory and Camelot is now a famously named corporation, which provides us with the National Lottery. So where does the conflict still exist? It is hard to transcend … isn’t it. However at this current moment wherever you are you are being absorbed into it. The office or even maybe the bus stop or the sales assistance behind the counter who is stricken by the loss of her cheating bf she decides to give you an attitude. This is the new battleground my friend and read this carefully.

"If he is One who is not One-Up, then he my friend is One who is One-Down " Stephen Potter,One-Upmanship 1959

And being One-Up in aspects of life will give you presence in the crowd which only 1/10 of the population on earth pulse and vibrate on.

In essence my dream is to become an interviewer or even a maybe a talk show host to expand on this subject. I will try and post as much as my hands allow me to and I hope you enjoy my blog!

Your fellow man

Mr Bokhari