Being Rich isn’t where the penny ends. By having a nice car, watch and house doesn’t mean you are a successful individual. You very well could be one of those individuals who have inherited all their wealth. There is no crime in that, but in truth the thrill is in the chase. The journey from A to B is what people should be striving for. Not just the end result. The Essence and wonder of the experience weighs more then the trophy that awaits.
However emulating that your successful has its perks and can be very advantageous to one in the sense that :
-People will pay more attention to you
-The opposite sex will find you more attractive.
-People perceived value of you would be higher
So the question is … “How can I look Rich & what are the benefits in looking Rich”
In this blog post we at COL will look three areas in which if one applies some resources and human effort. They will see changes within their lives and new windows of unseen opportunities will arise.
Dressing good is important. Forget this trendy, indy cindy, hoxton hero skinny jean + t shirt look. Styles like that totally de-masculinize men and ultimately will fuck James Bond first then Russel Brand. Not because he has an Aston and doesn’t resemble an old lady from a mental home but purely on the basis that naturally women will bend over backwards for a masculine man more then an indy cindy. Soooo you might as well start dressing like one because it is like packing a turbo under your hood.
"Girls can get away with silly shirts saying stupid stuff on them. Blindly Men think the same shirts make them more hot but in truth they look like rejects from TOP SHOP"
Anyway you primarily want to make an impression, which stands strong, noble, solid and respectable. Wearing a t shirt saying “Nintendo” or “ New Wave” states one thing to individuals around …“NO GF”. Do you really want to advertise that … LOL. So keep the silly t-shirts for nightwear. Trying to lose your virginity wearing a halo shirt is going to be hard ...
Clothes that encapsulate
“prestigious values” & “heritage”are key. This is because the impression given by them orientate around being strong, noble, solid and respectable. Thus people will perceive, that the individual wearing the clothes is seemed to have a character / personality similar to attributes explained before.
Looks which demonstrate this point
-Preppy Look
The look basically says:
"I got money so Mc Donald's is not on my list, my dad drives golf gti on weekends but drops me off to school in his company car. I only do house party's and chill in hotel lounges and I have plenty of non preppy and preppy girls chasing me"
-British Look
This look is rather more straight forward:
" I don't know what a night club is, I prefer driving my Range on my farm and the odd bit of fox hunting now and then and I only marry into relatives or friends of friends."
-Preppy Tennis Look
All these looks pulsate a “high value” appeal to other individuals. Therefore adoption of these looks will be beneficial to you if you were in a crowd of people. You will look conservative but vibrant amongst the wall of people and their boring suits. Just imagine dressed as Roger Federer at a bus stop with everyone wearing black and grey suits … you will definitely be One- Up on everyone.
Benefits of Dressing Good
-Ever lasting look
-Women will definitely look more
-Attracts a lot more haters
-Friends may diss you for changing your style … they can join the haters as well.
-Everyone will think your posh and this not always needed. Especially when dealing with hippy/ liberal bitches. They tend to hold a grudge against wealthy/ successful people and often you may find yourself in debates and arguments with them on the price of bread.
The Car
A Car one drives divulges many things about the driver. A Ferrari depicts that the diver is Rich, Loaded, Flashy and knows people. As the waiting list for one is longer then the great wall of China. Just like the realm of clothes heritage is important. So really … what car correlates with the heritage look … an Aston Martin !
Unfortunately not all our fathers were transport tycoons or rich oil barons. But selecting a car brand which encapsulates heritage, prestige and luxury and at the same is affordable is not easy. Hence going vintage may be the only way to have the appeal of wealth. As dizzy rascal said it “OLD SKOOL LIKE HAPPY SHOPPER” is cool. Hence the brand needs to appeal to impress ladies, clients and ANYONE ELSE. Driving a car such as Porsche 911 from “1969” is no way different to some clown driving an 09 plate.
The car perceived image is timeless. The only major different is the sticker price & mileage. One 1969 car has travelled more miles then the space shuttle discovery and the 09 can accelerate like it.
The external adjustment is one half of the battle. The next step is to become more mentally rich. Change your norms. A good example of this is one I personally engaged with. I heavily noticed that all individuals who came from a private education background either had a sport which they took seriously or a had an instrument they took seriously and over the summer I personally became drawn into the world of tennis & classical music. To such a degree that I usually write all my blog posts listening some form of classical either post or contemporary. Hence expanding and experiencing new things will always lead to opportunities that were previously not see able.
Above all act yourself. Most rich people are boring unless your Hugh Hefner. If your not a boring person and part take in various other social activities and lead an active lifestyle then see that as a major benefit. And playing video games and jerking off to porn is not an active lifestyle. Furthermore don’t advertise yourself. Keep a low image. Let people’s minds wonder not yours and retain a degree of normality. By speaking properly, dressing accordingly etc … but don’t over do it over the top. And to conclude, If someone asks you where you live … don’t say Mayfair.
This looks like a very interesting post originating in a blog with a very interesting point of view, i.e. from the point of view of Lifemanship. Someday I intend to read it.